Deterring Minks from your Property:

Install Motion-Activated Sprinkler

Without having to rely on sight, notion-activated sprinklers can be a great physical repellent. 

Remove Hiding Places

Keep protected areas clear of objects and plant life that may provide minks coverage on your property. 

Avoid Leaving Outdoor Pets In The Open

Pets such as domesticated rabbits, ducks, etc. can often be easy targets for minks. Keep them safe!

Never Leave Pet Food Outdoors

Feed your pets indoors if possible. Take your bowls and food bags inside.

Characteristics of American Minks:

  • Weasel-like with a dark brown coat


What to do if you see a mink:

It is not advised to shoot a mink if you see it on your territory, instead try these methods: 

Be Big and Loud

Known as hazing, making loud noises and making yourself appear threatening is the most common advice for deterring wildlife.

  • Noisemakers/shouting
  • Waving arms


Call wildlife handling experts to trap the animal.

Tailless Raccoon
Image Credit
Craig Tooley

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