Deterring Striped Skunks from your Property:

Never Leave Pet Food Outdoors

Feed your pets indoors if possible. Take your bowls and food bags inside.

Install Deterrent Lights

Skunks have less than stellar eyesight, and the sight of two Solar LED deterrent lights will seem like the eyes of a predator.  

Skunk Repellant

Predator urine (dogs) and ammonia placed around the perimeter of your yard can keep skunks from coming to your property. 

Characteristics of Striped Skunks:

  • Iconic stripe alongside the body of the skunk against solid black fur
  • Big warning-flag of a tail! 

What Happens If You Get Sprayed:

Eliminate the odor with:

  • 1 quart 3% peroxide
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish detergent

Mix together and spray the mixture onto the affected area.

*Do NOT premix or store solution* 

Tailless Raccoon
Image Credit
Craig Tooley

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