Deterring Red Wolves from your Property:

Never Leave Pet Food Outdoors

Feed your pets indoors if possible. Take your bowls and food bags inside.

Install Noise Devices

Be wary of using one sound for an extended period of time; Red Wolves can become used to the deterrents. 

Livestock Guardian Dogs

LGD breeds have been used for centuries to protect properties; properly trained dogs can be excellent for your own! 

Characteristics of Red Wolves:

* Red wolves are easy to mistake with coyotes, here are some important differences *

  • Reddish-brown tints to their fur
  • Taller than coyotes, wider facial structure (more “dog-like”) 
  • In the NC recovery area, most Red Wolves wear orange reflective collars, while coyotes wear black collars.
Red Wolf in Field - Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge - North Carolina
Running Wild Media

What to do if you see a Red Wolf:

It is not advised to shoot a Red Wolf if you see it on your property, instead try these methods:

Be Big and Loud

Known as hazing, making loud noises and making yourself appear threatening is the most common advice for deterring wildlife.

  • Noisemakers/shouting
  • Waving arms
  • Protect small pets and livestock with appropriate fencing and lighting

Call Wildlife Experts

Red wolves are an endangered species; call the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service if you’re dealing with Red Wolf sightings or interactions on your property.  

The Red Wolf Hotline is open 24 hours a day: 1-855-4WOLVES (496-5837) or you can email USFWS at

Contact Defenders of Wildlife for a coexistence toolkit at

Tailless Raccoon
Image Credit
Craig Tooley

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