Deterring Florida Panthers from your Property:

Never Leave Pet Food Outdoors

Feed your pets indoors if possible. Take your bowls and food bags inside.

Install an Electric Fence

The fence should be about 2 feet high, and especially installed around any outdoor animal pens.  

Mow Vegetation

Clear vegetation that could provide concealment for any panthers around your property. 

Do NOT Feed The Panthers!

Feeding panthers will encourage them to return to your property. Avoid this by keeping any trash locked away, and do not purposefully feed them.

What Happens If You Encounter a Panther:

  • Keep children within sight and CLOSE to you
  • Give the animal space
  • Do NOT run. Make eye contact with the panther
  • Make yourself appear larger
  • If attacked, fight back with whatever is at hand without having to turn your back

Protect Your Property 

  • Predator-resistant livestock enclosures
  • Remove thick vegetation around the home
  • Secure small pets indoors and small livestock in secure enclosures
  • Utilize motion-sensor lights around your home and animal enclosures


Get Help With Panthers

David Shindle, USFWS - Coordinator, Florida Panther Recovery

Mark Lotz, FWC -  Panther Biologist


Interested in learning more about our predator-resistant livestock enclosure program? Contact our team at

Tailless Raccoon
Image Credit
Craig Tooley

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