Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen says that BP’s new containment cap is now collecting more than 460,000 gallons of oil a day. However, depending on the estimate, that might not even be half the amount of oil gushing from the well. The leak continues to harm Gulf wildlife such as pelicans, gulls, terns and herons are visibly tainted by the oil.

Although BP has made a significant step in slowing the release of crude oil in the Gulf, the Miami Herald reports that the crisis will likely linger into autumn.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that tar balls are washing ashore farther east along the Florida Panhandle. Escambia County officials say oil sheen was reported about a mile from the beach’s fishing pier.

CNN reports that the University of South Florida recently discovered a second oil plume in the northeastern Gulf. Water samples collected by USF were sent to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) labs. USF and NOAA will will hold a joint press conference Tuesday morning to release their final findings.

President Obama will be personally giving his condolences to the families of the 11 men killed in the Deepwater Horizon explosion this Thursday, June 10, at the White House, the Houston Chronicle reports.


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