2019.07.02-Landscape of Black Spruce Pines-Danielle Brigida-USFWS
Washington, DC

Defenders Slams Bill Aiming to Rollback NEPA and Gut Environmental Protections

In advance of its first hearing by the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources today, Defenders of Wildlife is announcing its staunch opposition to chairman Bruce Westerman’s (R-AR) draft National Environmental Policy Act bill.
Wild gray wolf in the Northwest Peak Roadless Area
Denver, CO

Defenders Responds to Capture of Copper Creek Wolf Pack in Colorado

Colorado Parks and Wildlife today announced the capture of all six members of the Copper Creek wolf pack following efforts that began in late August
Wolf Pups
Denver, CO

Defenders Denounces CPW’s Decision to Relocate Colorado’s First Wolf Pack

Defenders of Wildlife today strongly denounced Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s tragic decision to relocate the Copper Creek wolf pack, the first breeding pair and litter

Press Releases

2022.06.12 - Female Caribou - Teshekpuk Lake - Alaska - Ashley Sabatino-BLM.jpg

Defenders applauds BLM’s move to maintain land protections in Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today finalized its decision to retain environmental protections on 28 million acres of habitat critical to salmon, moose and
Andrew Bowman Headshot
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife Welcomes Andrew Bowman as New President and CEO

Marking a new chapter for the organization, Defenders of Wildlife today welcomed Andrew Bowman as president and CEO. Defenders announced Bowman’s selection in May of
Caribou at Denali National Park
Washington, D.C.

Defenders’ Statement on Reckless Energy Permitting Proposal in Senate

Defenders of Wildlife opposes the latest attempt to shortchange our nation’s landmark environmental laws and allow oil, gas and other extractive industries to harm wildlife

California’s Burrowing Owls One Step Closer to State Protections

In response to a March 2024 petition by conservation groups, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has found that protecting the western burrowing owl
2015.3.18 - Greater Sage Grouse - Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge - Wyoming - Tom Koerner - FWS
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife Opposes Disastrous House Interior Appropriations Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed its Interior and Environment appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025 by a vote of 210-205. Defenders of Wildlife opposes this anti-wildlife bill which includes steep funding cuts and an immense number of anti-wildlife riders.
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