Gray Wolf

The threat of anti-wolf, anti-endangered species legislation passing Congress in next month's so-called lame duck session is imminent and very real.

For the first time ever, members of Congress are actually proposing to deny Endangered Species Act protections to one particular named species—the gray wolf. These proposals, fueled by the anti-wolf crowd, threaten not only the future of this majestic American animal but also the very foundation of the Endangered Species Act!

Speak out for sound, science-based management of Greater Yellowstone wolves and other imperiled wildlife. Take action now.

Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg, who has a long record of opposing needed conservation programs, is planning legislation to return what would amount to unsupervised management of wolves to his state and Idaho, where groups like Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife are inciting anti-wolf hatred and pressuring local politicians to allow the killing of as many wolves as possible.

And Texas Congressman Chet Edwards has introduced a bill that would prohibit Endangered Species Act protections for all wolves in the lower 48 United States! That would include endangered wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. If passed, the bill would threaten the very future of wild wolves in America.

A threat this big requires a big response, so we’ve set a goal of sending 50,000 messages to Congress to tell them that science, not politics, should guide management of wolves—and all imperiled species—in this country. Please take a moment to sign our petition today.

With your help, Defenders of Wildlife has fought for decades to protect and restore endangered species. We’ve helped return wolves to their native habitats, recognizing the important role these amazing animals play in maintaining balanced, healthy ecosystems. We’ve helped demonstrate the economic value of returning wolves to Yellowstone. And we’ve worked with ranchers throughout the West to allow wolves to successfully co-exist with livestock.

Don’t let one of the greatest conservation victories of the last century be frittered away. And don’t let the nation’s commitment to saving endangered species be destroyed.

Sign the petition now and help ensure a lasting future for America’s wolves.


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