IN THE NEWS: Montana senator touts clean energy

U.S. Senator Jon Tester of Montana said that, on the whole, wind energy development has been good to Montana’s economy because “…wind energy is low-cost, it’s easy to create, and it creates jobs,” according to his statement on the Montana Associated Technology Roundtables’ website posted earlier this week.

He also derided recent criticisms that wind energy is too expensive for Montanans as based on “junk science.”

Learn more about wind energy and wildlife.

“A recent opinion has been making the rounds in Montana newspapers, claiming that wind energy is too expensive and would somehow result in higher energy prices in our state. That’s what I call junk science.” – Sen. Jon Tester

Will Sen. Tester emerge as a champion for our nation’s clean energy future in the new year? Only time will tell, but as a state lawmaker in 2005, Sen. Tester passed legislation requiring power companies to use at least 15 percent of electricity from renewable resources by 2015.

Congress is debating a nationwide renewable energy standard. Let’s hope they’re looking to the “Big Sky Country” for some inspiration.

Read more about Defenders’ position on a national renewable energy standard.


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