Polar Bear, (c) Ralph Lee Hopkins, NGS

Planned drilling in the Chukchi Sea threatens polar bears, whales and other wildlife.

Big Oil wants in… specifically, into the pristine waters of the Chukchi Sea.

Unfortunately, there is still no effective, proven technology to clean up oil spills in broken sea ice conditions in Arctic waters, such as those found in the Chukchi Sea… a problem that could doom endangered bowhead whales, threatened polar bears and other wildlife if drilling proceeds.

Speak out for polar bears and other Chukchi wildlife. Take action now.

Last summer—in a case brought by Defenders and our partners—a federal judge ruled that environmental analysis for drilling in the Chukchi was insufficient because the federal government failed to address significant gaps in information about the Arctic environment.

Oil can coat polar bear fur, causing even these Arctic sea-ice dwellers to freeze to death. It can poison whales and other wildlife. And even without a spill, increased noise and pollution associated with normal drilling activities can disrupt the feeding habits of walruses, seals and other animals that depend on the Chukchi to hunt and survive.

Urge President Obama to delay drilling in the Chukchi Sea to protect polar bears, whales and other wildlife.

We can protect the Chukchi’s amazing wildlife and the people that live there, but we can’t do it without you. Comments on the Obama Administration’s latest environmental analysis of drilling permits in the Chukchi are due by Monday, November 29th, so please submit your comments today.


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