Just 50 Mexican gray wolves are left in the wild… in the entire world.

These wolves—found in the wild only in Arizona and New Mexico—face plenty of threats, including illegal killing by anti-wolf extremists. But now a Montana Congressman is taking aim at the life-saving protections these and other rare and beautiful animals need to survive.

Take action to save America’s wolves. Urge your U.S. Representative to oppose legislation to eliminate life-saving protections for gray wolves.

Congressman Rehberg’s two bills would eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for every single wolf in the Southwest, Midwest and Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

The result? A no-holds-barred approach to wolf killing that would end efforts to stop wolf killings in the Southwest and could see Idaho lawmakers make good on their promise to “remove wolves by whatever means necessary.”

If passed, this legislation would also be the first ever to exempt a single species from the Endangered Species Act—setting a dangerous precedent for removing protections for other imperiled wildlife.

Take action today to help prevent these bills from becoming law.

Make no mistake: These bills are bad for wolves, bad for the Endangered Species Act, and bad for the future of all America’s wildlife.

Help safeguard the future of wolves and other wildlife in America. Send your message right now.


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