This October, the Defenders Wildlife Volunteer Corps once again took to the shrubland of Kittery, Maine, planting 600 plants and continuing to restore habitat for the state-threatened New England cottontail. In what has become our most popular recurring volunteer event with the Fish and Wildlife’s (FWS) Rachel Carson Refuge, our band of bunny faithfuls once again picked up their shovels and headed into the wilderness and did their part to help this state icon survive.
The Kittery site covers about 9 acres in its second year of growing. Already starting to look like the shrubland habitat the New England cottontail depends on for survival, the Fish and Wildlife Service is working with this plot and several others in the area to determine the most effective way to restore them.
Karrie, the FWS project leader from the Rachel Carson Refuge had this to say: “Brian, thank you and the Defenders volunteers that came out to help us. They always have great attitudes and help us move closer to our management goals. We truly appreciate all your and the volunteers’ support over the years. You all have made substantial contributions to this project and we would not have accomplished this without your support!”
And we here at Defenders thank you for your efforts too!
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