Happy Wolf Awareness Week!
Hope you had a great one! If you missed any of our special features, be sure to click back to check them out. Guest bloggers included:
- Peter Haswell, one of Defenders’ summer volunteers on the Wood River Wolf Project
- David Hornoff, co-president of the National Wolfwatcher Coalition
- Larry Schoen, Commissioner of Blaine County, Idaho
- Story Warren, budding wolf activist from Olympia, Washington
- Michelle Dennehy, wildlife communications coordinator for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Yesterday, our own wolf expert Suzanne Stone got her chance to discuss broader wolf conservation issues as well. She was a guest on LA Talk Radio for Wolf Awareness Week to address the history of wolf reintroduction, the current political context for wolf management and the importance of keeping wolves in the wild. You can listen to the show here (jump to the 10:15 mark):
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Thanks to all our outstanding contributors for all their hard work and for providing valuable insights into wolf conservation nationwide.
More praise for Wood River Wolf Project
We reported last week on the wrap-up meeting for the fourth successful season of our Wood River Wolf Project, but we weren’t the only ones. The project also got a mention in the Idaho Mountain Express (scroll past the first story) and radio coverage from Public News Service in Idaho. Listen below:
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Wolf hunt injunction denied
Three conservation groups filed a request for an injunction early this week in an attempt to halt the ongoing wolf hunts in Montana and Idaho. The injunction was denied in court a few days later, but the groups continue their appeal of a lower court ruling denying their request to overturn Congress’ bill removing wolves from the ESA in April. Their case is waiting to be heard in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Watch this report from KAJ-18 in Kalispell, Montana:
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