Just before the holidays, Defenders joined two local conservation groups in a lawsuit voicing concerns over exploratory drilling for a proposed silver mine on the Coronado National Forest in southern Arizona.
The Hardshell Project site threatens habitat for endangered Mexican spotted owls, lesser long-nosed bats, and could cut off key migration corridors for ocelots and jaguars. The Forest Service is allowing these companies to destroy our federal lands with little to no consideration of the impact on wildlife and the environment.
This sensitive region, says local biologist Ron Pulliam with the University of Georgia in the video, is “biologically, the richest and most diverse place in the United States.”
In this in-depth documentary, courtesy of the Patagonia Area Resource Alliance, the people of Patagonia, Ariz. give a firsthand account of how mining has already started to irreversibly alter life in this idyllic landscape.
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