On March 29, 2012, Defenders launched a new website with lots of great features that will help you find information more quickly and easily.
We’ve been listening to the feedback we’ve received about what YOU want from our—site and the new defenders.org delivers. When we ask our site visitors what they came looking for, one of the top answers is always “What is Defenders doing to help wildlife?” We’ve now called out this information much more clearly throughout the site. Look for the words “Defenders in Action” to find out exactly what we’re doing in each area!
Another question our supporters frequently ask us is “What can I do to help?” You’ll now find lots of ideas on how to make a difference on all our animal-related pages as well as in the Take Action section, which you can get to from our main menu at the top of every page.
Here are a few more enhancements you can look forward to as you browse the site.
More Frequent Updates
From the home page to all the pages inside the site, we’ve built a technology foundation that will let us add new content and update existing content much more quickly. You’ll be able to find new action alerts, success stories, publications and more almost as soon as they become available.
Better Organized Information
When you visit an area that has a lot of information, such as our Climate Change section, we’ve now broken down the content into several shorter sub-topic pages. And the section’s internal menu makes it much easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Contextual Cross-Linking
At the bottom of most pages, you’ll see a section titled “You Might Also Be Interested In:” that lists other content around the site that’s related to what you’re looking at right now. For example, if you’re reading our Species at Risk: Sea Otter page, at the bottom you’ll see links to the sea otter fact sheet, to our California pages, and to an otter-related Defenders magazine article.
Tighter Blog Integration
On every page of the site, in the right-hand column, you’ll see an On the Blog block that serves up the three most recent posts from the Defenders blog. And, where appropriate, it will narrow them down to those blog posts most related to the page you’re currently viewing.
All this and it looks great too! We’ve also got a vastly improved search engine, more animal photos and videos (with lots more still to come!), social media sharing tools and more.
But enough talking about the new site already… Head on over to defenders.org to see it for yourself!
NOTE: At almost the exact same time that our new site went live, the company hosting our blog had a major technical problem that caused the blog to crash. We now have it back online, but there are some missing images and other minor issues with it. We’re working on having everything restored as soon as possible.
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