With the tax deadline looming there is still time for Californians to help make a positive difference for sea otters by donating as little as $1 to the California Sea Otter Tax Fund located on their state tax forms. With fewer than 2800 sea otters left along the California coast these charismatic critters are struggling to make a comeback and your donations will help fund vital research dedicated to helping sea otters survive. With a target amount set by the Franchise Tax Board each year, the tax check off must raise $267,934 this year to return to the tax forms next year. So as you finish filling out your tax forms this year don’t forget about our furry aquatic friends. Visit www.saveseaotters.org to find out more on sea otter conservation and Defenders’ work with the California Tax Check-off.
Not in California? You Can Still Help Save Sea Otters
Help California’s threatened sea otters by adopting one of these marvelous marine mammals from the Defenders of Wildlife Adoption Center.
Not only will you be sharing your appreciation for this imperiled species, but you’ll also be helping to support Defenders’ work on their behalf.
Save Something Wild!
Visit our Wildlife Adoption Center to adopt a sea otter or one of our 26 other imperiled animals today!
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