Home to wolves, bears, and caribou, Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula was once known for its large moose population. But a lack of natural wildfires has changed conditions on much of the Kenai, and the once-abundant willow favored by moose have been succeeded by black spruce. This loss of food and habitat, compounded by factors such as excessive road mortality and overharvest of males, caused the peninsula’s moose populations to decline. And so last spring, the Alaska Board of Game decided that something drastic must be done to prevent the further loss of moose—aerial wolf control.
The plan was riddled with problems from the beginning. Regional biologists argued that predation was not the primary factor limiting moose and that necessary baseline data needed to make an informed decision was absent. Additionally, such a program would be difficult to monitor for success. Defenders echoed this message. We have long advocated that ADF&G use the best available science to justify their controversial predator control programs in order to ensure that wolves are not killed unnecessarily. We worked with others to demonstrate the biological shortcomings of the plans as well as highlight the controversial nature of wolf control on the Kenai.
And yet despite its obvious flaws, the Alaska Board of Game not only unanimously passed the plans for wolf control during their January 2012 meeting, it asked that the finalization of the plans be expedited. It seemed the aerial gunning plan was a go. Until last week.
In a welcome turn of events, ADF&G decided that rather than rush blindly to act on the Board’s ill-conceived plans it will instead collect the information necessary to make a well-informed management decision. Our message had been heard! This is a win not only for wolves, but the thousands of visitors flock to Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula annually to hike, ski, boat, hunt, fish and view wildlife each year as well.
For now, it appears Kenai wildlife programs are on the right track. In the meantime, Defenders will continue to be a voice for science and as always, our country’s wolves.
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