Thank you for being a part of this community that cares so much about our wildlife and wild places, and fights tirelessly against the many threats they face.

We have a lot of work to do in the coming years, but today of all days we want to take a minute to recognize how much we have to be thankful for. It’s been a busy year for wildlife conservation, and while we’ve had a number of challenges, there have been some wonderful successes as well. We’ve seen fishers return to Washington state and more wolves return to California, celebrated new national monuments on land and at sea, and saw the U.S. deal a devastating blow to elephant poaching by placing a ban on commercial trade of African elephant ivory. Bears and wolves on wildlife refuges in Alaska are safer, military macaws are making a comeback in Mexico, we know more about wolverines in the Rockies, and many species are better protected from overexploitation in international trade.

We know that we still have a lot of work to do – but knowing that you’ll be fighting alongside us means everything.


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