Your weekly roundup of wildlife news from across the country


Stand Strong for Wildlife
With this year’s election behind us, we need to pull together to protect the wildlife we all love.
Read a special post-election message from Defenders’ president and CEO>

Get Wolverines the Protection They Need
In April, Defenders and its partners won a lawsuit against FWS over its failure to list this amazing species – a federal judge overturned FWS’ decision and ordered the agency to make a new listing determination. Just last month, FWS announced that it would be making a new final listing decision and asked the public to weigh in.
FWS needs to hear from you – tell them that wolverines deserve protection! >

Energy Infrastructure in the California Desert
Renewable energy is a key component to combating the threat that climate change poses to our wildlife and wild places. But getting the energy where it’s needed can be a challenge. As agencies look at putting transmission lines through the California desert, our experts are weighing in with recommendations on where those corridors should go, and where they shouldn’t, in order to protect animals like the desert tortoise and bigorn sheep.
Read more from our team >

Humans are Making it Harder for Gray Whales to Hear
Scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have found that not only is human-produced noise interfering with gray whales’ ability to hear each other’s calls, but the whales are actively trying to compensate for the change in their acoustic atmosphere.
Find out more about this study from NOAA >

Take Action to Save the Loxahatchee!
There’s a slice of Florida’s Everglades that is in desperate need of your help. The Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is home to more than 250 species of birds, including the largest colony of wading birds in the Everglades. But the state of Florida is considering terminating a lease agreement that allows the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to manage and protect this key habitat.
Tell Florida Governor Rick Scott to protect the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge! >

Texas Ocelots Need Elbow Room
Ocelots in Texas are running out of room – only so much of their original habitat remains, and is criss-crossed by roads that pose a deadly danger to wildlife. To make matters worse, one of their healthiest habitats, the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, is about to have a new industrial complex nearby.
Find out more from our senior southwest representative >


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