Defenders of Wildlife today expressed deep concern over the House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations’ hearing on experimental populations under the Endangered Species Act. The hearing, led by Committee Chair Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR) is the next step in anti-wildlife Members of Congress attempts to play politics with the ESA and undermine best available science.
“Today's hearing once again demonstrates the desire by some Members of Congress to completely gut bedrock conservation laws that have a proven track record of effectiveness,” said Andrew Carter, Director of Conservation Policy at Defenders of Wildlife’s Center for Conservation Innovation. “Rolling back the use of tools like experimental populations could have catastrophic impacts on habitats and the future of some species.”
Experimental populations are an extremely effective tool under the ESA which makes it possible to reintroduce endangered species to new areas in a controlled and regulated manner. Many endangered species, including ones previously thought to be extinct, have been saved using experimental populations.
“The ESA already allows experimental populations to be managed in a flexible way that can ease impacts on local communities," stated Carter. “This hearing is another attempt to discredit the ESA and the critical tools it provides to protect endangered species. We urge all pro-wildlife Members to speak against the anti-ESA agenda.”
Experimental populations have provided critical conservation support for iconic American species including the California condor, whooping crane, and black-footed ferret. The future of these species, along with other endangered wildlife currently protected under the ESA like wolves and grizzly bears, may depend on whether such reintroductions can continue.
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Natural Resources Committee Puts Experimental Populations in Danger