Joy Page, Director of Renewable Energy and Wildlife for Defenders of Wildlife said,"Defenders of Wildlife supports responsibly sited and operated renewable energy projects that minimize impacts to wildlife. We applaud the state of New York's leadership and commitment to a clean energy future. We look forward to working with the state to ensure that offshore wind development is informed by science-based conservation measures that consider wildlife, such as the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale."

New York

New York Offshore Wind Alliance: Public Service Commission Gives NY An Earth Week to Celebrate

Authorizes NYSERDA To Solicit Nation’s Largest Offshore Wind Bids Following 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

ALBANY, NY (April 23, 2020) — On the day after the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, the New York Offshore Wind Alliance (NYOWA) applauded the Public Service Commission’s approval of an offshore wind order authorizing the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to move forward with the nation’s largest offshore wind solicitation.

By authorizing up to 2,500 megawatts (MW) of electricity generating capacity, the NYOWA praised this action as another significant step taken by New York to further advance the nationally leading offshore wind policies outlined in Governor Cuomo’s 2020 State of the State announcement including the pursuit of “at least” 1,000 MW of additional offshore wind energy this year and possibly “substantially more” to come.

“Especially during Earth Week, as the COVID-19 crisis further highlights the link between cleaner air and our ability to protect the health outcomes of our most vulnerable populations, I cannot think of a better demonstration of New York’s resilience and leadership than the PSC’s announcement to advance the nation’s largest offshore wind solicitation,” said NYOWA Director Joe Martens. “By acting quickly, the PSC Order will help ensure that New York is able to take maximum advantage of expiring federal tax credits, limited offshore lease areas, and the developing offshore wind supply chain. That means more family-sustaining jobs for New Yorkers, enormous economic and environmental benefits and a giant step forward in reaching the State’s renewable energy and offshore wind targets,” Martens added.

The PSC’s order authorized NYSERDA to solicit offshore wind bids for up to 2,500 MW of offshore wind capacity, which would be, by far, the largest solicitation in the nation to date. The order follows a “Phase 1” PSC authorization in 2018 that resulted in 2019 contracts for two large-scale projects that will provide clean energy to New York: the 880 MW Sunrise Wind project sponsored by Orsted and Eversource and the 816 MW Empire Project sponsored by Equinor US Wind. These initial two projects, which are expected to come online by 2024, will  provide enough clean electricity for more than a million households, generate $3.2 billion in economic activity and provide some 1,200 jobs with excellent wages.

Joy Page, Director of Renewable Energy and Wildlife for Defenders of Wildlife said,"Defenders of Wildlife supports responsibly sited and operated renewable energy projects that minimize impacts to wildlife. We applaud the state of New York's leadership and commitment to a clean energy future. We look forward to working with the state to ensure that offshore wind development is informed by science-based conservation measures that consider wildlife, such as the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale."

Kevin S. Law, President & CEO of the Long Island Association said, “The PSC’s authorization allowing NYSERDA to move forward with another offshore wind solicitation (and the nation’s largest) will lead to the creation of good paying jobs and attract billions of dollars of private investment in our region; and with the economy in shambles because of the coronavirus, we need these clean energy investments now more than ever.”

Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters said, "This Earth, Week, New York is leading the way on renewable energy with the nation's largest offshore wind solicitation. Earlier this month, the State passed much-needed improvements to the renewable energy siting and transmission process after our report showed that the process needed to be reformed. And now, the State is further paving the way for renewable offshore wind. Building these offshore wind projects will create green family-sustaining jobs, help us combat the upcoming economic crisis, and move us closer towards our climate goals. We look forward to  working with all stakeholders to make sure the projects are built as soon as is practicable."

Roger Clayman, Executive Director of the Long Island Federation of Labor said, “When the region emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, the rapid development of clean energy industries such as offshore wind will play an essential role in fighting climate change and powering New York’s economic recovery. It is vital that we advocate for a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, create good union jobs, and support more equitable communities and a more resilient New York.”

Lisa Dix, Senior New York Campaign Manager for the Sierra Club said, "The Sierra Club applauds Governor Cuomo and the NY Public Service Commission for another giant step forward on offshore wind. Today's order continues the rapid advancement of responsible offshore wind development with national-leading environmental and labor standards. This action today helps ensure our climate goals stay on track and that the Empire State is moving ever upward towards becoming a renewable energy jobs and economic development powerhouse."

Nathanael Greene, Senior Renewable Energy Policy Analyst for NRDC said, “In these uncertain times, this order shows New York’s steadfast leadership on responsibly sited offshore wind development. Growing this industry has never been more important – it will help get our economy back on its feet, propel New York’s bold climate goals forward and protect communities from the climate crisis. We look forward to continuing to work with NYSERDA, the PSC and developers to continue crafting the best practices for developing offshore wind
while protecting marine wildlife.”

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment said, “NY’s leadership on renewable energy continues to shine. Investing in clean, renewable offshore wind is needed now, more than ever to spur our clean energy economy, put New Yorkers back to work, and improve air quality for our communities and families. Advancing renewable energy is the perfect celebration for Earth Week. As we battle against Covid 19, we need to continue the battle against climate change. Offshore wind power is an essential need to combat climate  change. CCE is excited to be a part of a new diverse coalition, Wind Works Long Island, that will provide fact based, scientific information on the benefits of offshore wind. Thank you to Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature for their leadership and drive to advance renewable energy.”

Liz Burdock, President & CEO of the Business Network for Offshore Wind said “This announcement deserves a Zoom happy hour celebration! It is more than positive news, it will mean access to clean energy to thousands of homes, less carbon emissions, and a boost to job creations at a time when our economy needs a shot to the arm. The PSC’s announcement shows they understand that offshore wind energy is an unparalleled business opportunity. Investment in this vital infrastructure will not only honor the purpose of Earth Day but also ensure the pipeline to U.S. small business suppliers stays open and ready for business.”

Gary LaBarbera, President of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York said, "The Public Service Commission's decision today paves the way for thousands of good jobs and billions in economic development for New York. We applaud this order and look forward to building New York's offshore wind industry for years to come."

Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO said, "The PSC's order continues New York's leadership on renewable energy, offshore wind, and creating good jobs of the future. We've seen what the combination of strong leadership and New York's working women and men can do in addressing the Covid-19 crisis, and we know that together we can continue to build a new green economy that meets the challenge of climate change while supporting policies promoting broad based economic prosperity and resilient communities across the state.”

Jeff Vockrodt, Executive Director of Climate Jobs NY said, "We applaud this important step forward by the Public Service Commission. Offshore wind will play an important role in the clean-energy economy of tomorrow, and 2,500 megawatts will go a long way toward advancing New York's ambitious offshore wind plan. We anticipate timely action by NYSERDA on this second solicitation -- as well as the State's forthcoming investment of $200 million in port infrastructure, which can help make New York a hub for the offshore wind industry in the region -- and it's great to see our state taking bold action to protect our planet and move New York's economy forward.”

Jim Cahill, President of the NYS Building & Construction Trades Council (NYSBCTC), a labor organization which represents approximately 200,000 construction workers from 135local unions across New York State (including those in Long Island and NYC), said: “Today’s PSC Order potentially adding another 2,500 mw of offshore wind development will bring numerous benefits to Long Island and the rest of the State. Importantly, it will create good jobs and additional support for the renewable energy economy that will benefit everyone.”

Gordian Raacke, Executive Director of Renewable Energy Long Island said: "Today's PSC decision is just what the doctor ordered as it will boost our state's economic recovery while building out the offshore wind infrastructure we need to address the climate crisis. We applaud  Governor Cuomo's leadership and the PSC's resolve to move forward at the necessary scale and speed."

Curtis Fisher, Northeast Regional Executive Director, National Wildlife Federation said: “Now more than ever, we need bold ambition to jump start America’s COVID-19 recovery with clean energy that can directly advance a more resilient and healthy future. Governor Cuomo continues to lead the nation in pursuit of responsibly developed offshore wind power. This leadership, including the Public Service Commission’s action today, will help bring high-paying jobs, economic growth, and cleaner air to New York and the region while protecting our
communities and wildlife from climate change.”


For over 75 years, Defenders of Wildlife has remained dedicated to protecting all native animals and plants in their natural communities. With a nationwide network of nearly 2.1 million members and activists, Defenders of Wildlife is a leading advocate for innovative solutions to safeguard our wildlife for generations to come. To learn more, please visit or follow us on X @Defenders.


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