We have our plates full for 2022, but with you by our side Defenders of Wildlife has never been more committed to saving wildlife. Take a look below at some of our 2022 goals.
With your support we will....
Fight to get gray wolves listed under the Endangered Species Act again. Since wolves lost their federal protections, we’ve seen a sharp rise in wolf killing. We are actively advocating against the multitude of reckless anti-wolf policies, and we continue to work at the federal, state and local levels to protect and restore wolves.
Respond urgently to the manatee crisis. This year has seen a record number of manatee deaths in Florida. We’re pushing the state government to declare a state of emergency for manatees, and to reduce pollution flowing into manatee habitat along Florida’s Atlantic and Gulf coasts. And we’ll go to court for manatees if we have to!
Save orcas at risk. The months-long absence of the southern resident orcas from their foraging grounds in the Salish Sea has been shocking and unprecedented in recent history. They are being forced to leave a key portion of their natural habitat, or face starvation!
Ensure that climate recovery efforts like renewable energy solutions do not adversely affect wildlife habitat. Renewable energy doesn’t have to destroy critical wildlife habitat. We will fight for responsible, low-impact development of renewable energy in states across the country!
Protect biodiversity. We’re calling on our nation’s leaders to roll out with a National Biodiversity Strategy, protect habitats like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and ensure adequate funding of wildlife saving laws like the Endangered Species Act.
You can make a real difference for wildlife by taking action. Protect the endangered species act by letting your Representatives know that wildlife and the environment are an important issue.
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