Snakes are one of the most fascinating and misunderstood creatures on the earth. Many of the over 3,000 snake species are completely harmless, but their unique movements, lack of legs and stealthy hunting tactics can seem scary to some. To learn a little more about these fascinating creatures and how they evolved over time to fit into their environment, read on as we uncover seven slithering facts.
1. What is a snake?
Snakes belong to the Squamata order, which is the largest order of reptiles. They are classified with the animal they evolved from: lizards. Snakes underwent structural reduction and simplification, including the loss of limbs around 150 million years ago. Though, while all snakes lack external limbs not all legless reptiles are snakes.
Snakes shed the skin that covers their elongated bodies as they grow through a process called ecdysis. Instead of eyelids they have transparent scales protecting their eyes, which shed with the rest of their skin. Snakes also do not have external ears. They are able to hear, but not as well as most humans.
2. Are all snakes venomous?
Not all snakes are venomous. In fact, only a small percentage of snakes have venom glands and fangs which are used to kill their prey or to defend themselves. Non-venomous snakes do not have these glands or fangs, making them a different type of predator.
Venomous snakes are classified by two distinct types of venom. Hemotoxic venom is toxic to blood and neurotoxic venom is toxic to the nervous system.
The most common venomous snakes are pit vipers, or members of the Crotalinae subfamily. These snakes are named after the heat-sensing pits organ between their eyes and nostril, which helps them accurately aim and strike at their prey. Pit vipers can be identified by their triangular shaped heads and retractable fangs. They are native throughout Asia and the Americas. Varieties of vipers include rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths.
3. What do snakes eat?
All snakes are carnivores, but their diet varies depending on the species. Some species of snake, like boas and pythons, can eat large animals including deer and cattle. Most snakes, including cobras and vipers, however, eat rodents and birds. Smaller species, like Gopher snakes, feed on amphibians and insects. Sea snakes, including the yellow-lipped sea krait, will hunt marine life like fish and eels.
4. Where do snakes live?
Like their diet, snakes inhabit a wide variety of habitats from the driest deserts to the wettest tropical rainforests. They cannot survive in any area where the ground is frozen year-round or where there are long, harsh winters. This is because snakes are ectothermic, or more commonly called “cold-blooded” animals, and cannot maintain their own body heat. Instead, they rely on the outside temperature.
5. What are common types of snakes in the United States?
Snakes are found throughout the contiguous U.S. Here are seven common species:
Venomous Snakes
- Copperhead snake: A type of pit viper, often found in woodlands.
- Cottonmouth snake: An aquatic pit viper, who lives in marshes.
- Rattlesnake: An iconic species known for having loosely attached segments of keratin at the end of their tail that they rattle when threatened.
Non-Venomous snakes
- Corn snake: A popular pet snake known for its docile nature.
- Garter snake: A small species found in gardens and forests.
- Rat snake: Often found in barns, this species is excellent at controlling rodent populations.
- King snake: Known for its ability to eat other snakes, including venomous ones.
- Hognose snake: Recognized for its upturned snout and defensive behavior.
6. Why are snakes important for our planet?
As predators, snakes play a vital role in their ecosystems by helping control rodent and other prey populations. Snakes have also been referred to as ‘ecosystem-engineers’ for their involvement in secondary seed dispersal. The seeds they consume from rodents and plants can be dispersed father distances due to snakes’ larger home ranges.
7. How can you help snakes big and small?
Know your snake! Familiarize yourself between venomous and non-venomous, as well as native and invasive species. That’s right, some snakes are invasive, like the Burmese python. Originally from Southeast Asia, Burmese python were imported to the U.S. for the pet trade and over time infested the South Florida wilderness. Other snakes are protected under the Endangered Species Act — including the endangered San Francisco garter snake and threatened Eastern indigo and giant garter snakes — and need our help.
Protecting natural habitats where snakes thrive and bedrock conservation laws can help all types of snakes. Maintain a snake-friendly garden by avoiding harsh pesticides to help backyard species, who may return the favor by keeping rodents away.
Always verify pets are sourced responsibly and never release a pet into the wild if they can no longer be cared for. Pet snake owners should ensure their scaley friends receive the specialized care they need, as at least 75% of reptiles die within one year of human captivity. Finally, remember to appreciate all snakes, big and small as they are all an integral part of our natural environment.

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