Sometimes, a beaver’s actions come in conflict with human use of a landscape. Fortunately, there are solutions. Properly installed mitigation measures such as fencing to protect trees and flow devices to minimize flooding, can prevent property damage. Education and outreach can help promote positive attitudes about beaver, water quality, water quantity and habitat for fish, amphibians and other species. 

Good news! Defenders of Wildlife can help you with your beaver conflicts! We will work with you to design mitigation actions that work for your specific situation and we'll even reimburse you for at least 50 percent of the cost! For more information, contact us!


Bothered by Beavers Brochure



Download Brochure


Defenders’ Aquatic Biologist Aaron Hall talking about living with beaver:

Defenders’ Beaver Coexistence Incentive Program 

The Beaver Coexistence Incentive Program is currently available in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. Download the brochure here.

Contact us for more information:

In Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming: email or call (303) 825-0918.

In Arizona and New Mexico, email or call (505) 395-7330.

Participating in the program is simple: 

  1. Plan your project. Contact Defenders before starting. We'll help you plan and provide technical advice on design and materials specific to your project. (Note: For flow devices, such as pond levelers and culvert protectors, you must contact us prior to purchase and installation to ensure your materials and design comply with our reimbursement requirements.) 
  2. Once you complete your project, submit the form and required supporting documentation (receipts, pictures) to obtain your reimbursement.

Links and other resources:

Benefits Provided by Beavers

Beaver Deceivers LLC

USFWS: The Beaver Restoration Guidebook

Wildlife and Wild Places

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