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Wildlife Nation  >  Episode 15

Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure into the wilds of Alaska to understand the great environmental challenge of our time: climate change. First, Jeff explores the beautiful Mendenhall Glacier. Jeff rappels down into the glacier’s cracks and crevasses - and flies a drone high above the glacier’s edge - to discover how warming temperatures will forever change this ancient and massive block of ice. Later, Jeff investigates the impact of melting glacier ice on one of Alaska's most vital species: salmon. Jeff works alongside dedicated conservationists along the beautiful Montana River to collect tiny baby salmon and carefully study them. This research will help Alaska’s Department of Fish and Wildlife better manage salmon populations and give biologists a window into how climate change will affect the entire ecosystem.

Reusable Wildlife Nation Action

Behind the Scenes

First Water From Air, Now Power from Air?!

New technologies may be among the solutions to the ever-growing threat of climate change. Learn more about how bacteria can help us pull energy from the air!

Climate Change Guide

Check out our interactive field guide to learn about how climate change impacts the wildlife, and their habitat, across North America!


Waiting for a Winter Wonderland

As the Winter Solstice marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, much of the country and its wildlife is left waiting for a winter wonderland. Read more about how the disappearance of winder and shift in climate has negative consequences for both people and wildlife. 

Hawksbill sea turtle
Jag_cz / Adobe Stock

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After the Show

Our Work

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Learn more about what we do!

For The Family

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Wildlife and Wild Places