
CITES Proposals for Endangered Sharks Pass First Hurdle at COP19
In a monumental step for marine conservation, two proposals to protect 60 sharks passed the first hurdle towards protection by the 19th Conference of the Parties (CoP19) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Shortfin Mako Denied Federal Protections
The highly imperiled shortfin mako shark is being denied federal protection by NOAA Fisheries, which will release its 12-month review of the species this week. In the Federal Register, NOAA Fisheries stated that a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act is ‘not warranted.’ In June 2022, Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity threatened to sue the agency for failing to meet its statutory deadline to make this decision.

Lawsuit Launched Over Federal Failure to Protect Shortfin Mako Shark as Endangered or Threatened Species
Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity sent a notice today of their intent to sue NOAA Fisheries for its failure to protect the shortfin mako shark under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
More Sharks and Rays Press Releases

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Failure to Protect Atlantic Sharks, Giant Manta Rays From Lethal Fishing Gear
Today, on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity, Earthjustice sued the Trump administration today for failing to protect oceanic whitetip sharks and giant manta rays from being captured and killed in U.S. fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Conservation Groups Announce Intent to Sue to Protect Atlantic Sharks, Giant Manta Rays from Lethal Longlines, Gillnets
Defenders joined others to file notice of intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to protect oceanic whitetip sharks and giant manta rays from being killed by longlines and huge nets used by U.S. fishermen in Atlantic fisheries.
Giant Manta Ray Proposed for Listing
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposed to list the giant manta ray as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. NMFS now has until November 10, 2017 to determine if the species will receive a final listing decision.
New Protections Proposed for Oceanic Whitetip Sharks
The National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) published a proposed regulation to protect the oceanic whitetip sharkin the Federal Register today in response to a petition filed by Defenders of Wildlife.