2020.01.18 - North Atlantic Right Whale Surfacing - FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Washington, DC

Right Whale Vessel Strike Protections Sought by Nov. 1

Conservation groups this week asked a federal judge to set a Nov. 1 deadline for long-delayed federal action to finalize expanded vessel strike protections for
2023.08.10 - © Jennifer Kardiak-USDA Forest Service.jpg

National Park Service Restores Protection for Predators in Alaska National Preserves

The National Park Service released new regulations that restore protections for predators on national preserves in Alaska. This is a reversal of a Trump administration
2022.06.12 - Female Caribou - Teshekpuk Lake - Alaska - Ashley Sabatino-BLM.jpg

Defenders applauds BLM’s move to maintain land protections in Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today released its final review and proposal to retain environmental protections on 28 million acres of habitat critical to

Press Releases

Eastern Bluebird
Washington, DC

Court Upholds Historical Interpretation of Nation’s Bird Conservation Law

The Southern District of New York upheld a long-standing interpretation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). A coalition of national environmental groups, including the American Bird Conservancy, Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation filed lawsuits in May 2018 challenging the Department of the Interior’s move to eliminate protections for waterfowl, raptors and songbirds under the MBTA.
Sea otter family in Morro Bay California

Friends of the Sea Otter Joins Forces with Defenders of Wildlife

Friends of the Sea Otter (FSO), a California-based organization dedicated to sea otter conservation, announced today that it has made the strategic decision to close its operations and transfer its agenda, services, and assets to Defenders of Wildlife.
San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge

Document shows Border Construction Impacts to National Wildlife Refuge Groundwater, Endangered Species

Defenders of Wildlife recently obtained documentation showing border wall construction efforts in and around the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge in southeast Arizona are threatening ground water sources and imperiled wildlife.
Swainson's hawk (NPS)

EDF Renewables North America, National Audubon Society and Defenders of Wildlife Enter into a Collaborative Agreement

Defenders of Wildlife, along with partners, today announced a Swainson’s Hawk Study and Conservation Action Agreement that exemplifies the shared goals and collaboration necessary to develop renewable energy to meet California’s 100% goal while conserving important wildlife and their habitat.
North atlantic right whale and calf
Washington, DC

Vessel Speed Limits Sought to Protect Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales

Conservation groups filed a rulemaking petition today seeking additional ship-speed limits along the Atlantic coast to protect critically endangered North Atlantic right whales. In June, a baby right whale was found dead off the coast of New Jersey, with propeller wounds across its head, chest and tail.
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