Bald Eagle Chicks - Alaska
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Condemns Dangerous New Attempt to Gut Endangered Species Act

Defenders of Wildlife today condemned the continued assault on the Endangered Species Act by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee.
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Denounces Misleadingly Named Fix Our Forests Act 

Defenders of Wildlife once again denounced the misleadingly named Fix Our Forests Act following debate today in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Subcommittee on Conservation, Climate, Forestry, and Natural Resources.

Ocelot Fest Returns to Brownsville

Ocelot Conservation Festival, the annual celebration of Texas’ beloved native cat, returns to the Gladys Porter Zoo on March 9. Hosted by the U.S. Fish

Press Releases

This desert bighorn sheep was found east of Las Vegas near Lake Mead in Nevada.

Congress Rejects Legislation that Threatens Desert Refuge

Today’s passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by the U.S. Senate is an important victory for Desert National Wildlife Refuge and the integrity
Habitat patrol gif
Washington, D.C.

Satellite Images to Reveal Untold Habitat Loss

Protecting and restoring habitat is becoming more critical than ever as the Earth faces unprecedented biodiversity loss. Government authorities, environmental watchdogs, and the public need
Polar bears on ice
Anchorage, AK

Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Offshore Oil-drilling Project in Arctic

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit today rejected the Trump administration’s approval of the first offshore oil-drilling development in federal Arctic waters.
Polar bear dragging stick in Alaska
Washington, DC

6 Ways to Take Action on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s 60th Anniversary

In 1960, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the Arctic National Wildlife Range “for the purpose of preserving unique wildlife, wilderness, and recreational values.” Twenty years later, President Jimmy Carter expanded the range and renamed the area as Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Polar Bears
Washington, DC

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Polar Bears on the Auction Block

The Bureau of Land Management announced today that it will hold an oil and gas lease sale on January 6 for the coastal plain of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one of the nation’s premier national wildlife refuges.
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