2022.06.12 - Female Caribou - Teshekpuk Lake - Alaska - Ashley Sabatino-BLM.jpg

Defenders applauds BLM’s move to maintain land protections in Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today released its final review and proposal to retain environmental protections on 28 million acres of habitat critical to
Gray Wolf Stare
Washington, DC

Defenders Statement on ‘Hatchet Job’ House Interior Appropriations Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations’ Interior and Environment Subcommittee today released its appropriations bill for the upcoming fiscal year. The bill is riddled with an immense number of riders that severely undermine the lifesaving protections of the Endangered Species Act. It also rolls back key advances made during the Biden administration towards addressing the biodiversity and climate crises.
Washington, DC

Defenders: Bill Would Push Critically Endangered Right Whales to Brink of Extinction

On Thursday, the Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee of the House Committee on Natural Resources is considering H.R. 8704, a bill that would push the

Press Releases


Rare Ocelot Sighting Ahead of Festival Exemplifies Need for Awareness on Texas Roads

A couple visiting Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (LANWR) shared their extraordinary sighting of a mother and kitten ocelot just two weeks ahead of Ocelot Conservation Day, March 5, at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville.
Gray Wolf in Snowy Landscape
Denver, CO

Defenders of Wildlife Recommends Three Ways to Strengthen Proposed CO Wolf Restoration and Management Plan

At the final public hearing on the proposed Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan, Defenders of Wildlife offered three key areas where the state’s management plan can be strengthened to ensure a self-sufficient wolf population and promote coexistence.
CA Spotted Owl

California Spotted Owl Gets Endangered Species Act Protections After 23 Years

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that it will protect the California spotted owl under the Endangered Species Act.
Polar bear cubs chasing a leaf

Defenders Objects in Court to Plans to Continue Allowing Oil and Gas Companies to Harm Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears

Defenders of Wildlife, as one of the organizations represented by law firm Trustees for Alaska, filed an objection in U.S. District Court today over a magistrate’s findings and recommendation that would let stand a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rule allowing oil and gas companies to harass Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears. The magistrate submitted findings this month on our lawsuit challenging the incidental take regulations for oil and gas activities on Alaska’s North Slope.
Asheville, NC

U.S. Forest Service Fails to Fix Glaring Flaws in Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan

Today, the U.S. Forest Service officially published the Final Forest Plan for the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests, moving forward with a plan that recklessly opens critical areas of these two forests to logging and roadbuilding.
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