2022.06.12 - Female Caribou - Teshekpuk Lake - Alaska - Ashley Sabatino-BLM.jpg

Defenders applauds BLM’s move to maintain land protections in Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today released its final review and proposal to retain environmental protections on 28 million acres of habitat critical to
Gray Wolf Stare
Washington, DC

Defenders Statement on ‘Hatchet Job’ House Interior Appropriations Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations’ Interior and Environment Subcommittee today released its appropriations bill for the upcoming fiscal year. The bill is riddled with an immense number of riders that severely undermine the lifesaving protections of the Endangered Species Act. It also rolls back key advances made during the Biden administration towards addressing the biodiversity and climate crises.
Washington, DC

Defenders: Bill Would Push Critically Endangered Right Whales to Brink of Extinction

On Thursday, the Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee of the House Committee on Natural Resources is considering H.R. 8704, a bill that would push the

Press Releases

Bison in field
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Applauds New DOI Bison Restoration Framework

Defenders of Wildlife Senior Representative for Rockies and Plains Chamois Andersen issued a statement in response to an announcement by the Interior Department regarding planned action to restore bison populations as part of a new restoration and resilience framework.
A gray wolf against a dark background with the words Act Against Extinction and 50 Years of the ESA
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife to Honor 50 Years of U.S. Endangered Species Act Throughout 2023

The 50th anniversary of the passage of the Endangered Species Act marks a monumental American victory in defending wildlife against extinction. This anniversary, on December 28, 2023, is an opportunity to highlight this important wildlife law. Throughout 2023, Defenders of Wildlife will mark the occasion with events, stories and more.
DITL - Electric Fencing - STILL - hay bails in foreground with mountains and sky in background
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife Urges Congress To Address Biodiversity and Climate Crises in Farm Bill

As hearings begin on the renewal of the Farm Bill, Defenders of Wildlife is encouraging Congress to address our nation’s joint biodiversity and climate crises, livestock-wildlife conflict prevention, equitable access and accountability.
Mexican Gray Wolf, Wolf Conservation Center

Mexican Gray Wolf Population Breaks 200 For the First Time

The wild population of Mexican gray wolves in the U.S. continues to grow. According to the 2022 annual count, the number has increased to a minimum of 241 animals, a 23 percent increase. This marks the seventh consecutive year of growth in the wild population.
North atlantic right whale
Washington, D.C.

Defenders of Wildlife Applauds New Bill to RESCUE Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) today introduced the RESCUE Whales Act to repeal a section of the 2022 omnibus that may significantly delay new regulatory action under the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act that is desperately needed to ensure the survival and recovery of the North Atlantic right whale in the face of unsustainable lethal entanglements in the American lobster and Jonah crab fishery.
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