Defenders' Statement on CPW Commission Denial of Petition to Pause Gray Wolf Reintroduction
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission today announced it will deny a petition to pause the state's voter-mandated gray wolf reintroduction program. Defenders of Wildlife's
Second Legally Mandated Lease Sale in the Arctic Refuge a Complete Failure, Receives No Bids
The Biden administration just concluded the second legally mandated lease sale in the Arctic Refuge. It should come as no surprise that this lease sale
Defenders Statement on Grizzly Bear Delisting Status Decision
WASHINGTON, DC — The US Fish & Wildlife Service today determined there is not a basis to delist grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide
Press Releases
Defenders Opposes Amendments That Undercut Endangered Species Act in Interior Appropriations
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations today took up the Interior and Environment funding bill for the FY24. As proposed, the bill drastically decreases the necessary funding for important wildlife conservation programs across the country.
Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Reinstated to Threatened Species List
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl will be relisted as a threatened species, after being taken off for
Defenders of Wildlife Flabbergasted by Anti-Wildlife Politicians’ Baseless Claims in ESA 50th Committee Hearing
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries today held a hearing stacked with anti-wildlife politicians making baseless claims attacking the landmark Endangered Species Act, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
60 Percent of Threatened Species Lack Conservation Plans That Address Climate Change Risk According to New Defenders Research
A new Defenders of Wildlife study published today in Biological Conservation finds that 60 percent of US animal species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act lack conservation plans from the US Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Services that address the risks of climate change.
New Congressional Appropriations Language Delays Conservation Measures for Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale
This morning, the House Appropriations Committee is marking up its FY24 appropriations bill for the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies. The bill contains language