
Defenders Raises Alarm on So-Called 'Pet and Livestock Protection Act'
Defenders of Wildlife is sounding the alarm over the intentionally misleadingly-named Pet and Livestock Protection Act of 2025, which aims to prematurely delist gray wolves

Intervention Sought to Protect Endangered Right Whales from Deadly Vessel Strikes
Conservation groups have filed a motion to intervene as defendants on behalf of NOAA Fisheries in a case challenging the agency’s 2008 vessel speed rule

Defenders Responds to Illegal Poaching of Gray Wolf in Oregon
Defenders of Wildlife is deeply concerned by the news regarding the illegal killing of a breeding gray wolf male near Sisters, Oregon. Gray wolves are
Press Releases

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Propose Downgrading or Eliminating Federal Protections for Imperiled Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) released its three-year plan to propose removing 25 threatened or endangered species currently listed under the Endangered Species Act, including the delisting of species that are not yet recovered like the gray wolf in the Lower 48 States, Key deer and Canada lynx.

Vote Makes Four Native Bumble Bee Species Candidates for Listing under California Endangered Species Act
Today, the California Fish and Game Commission has voted to begin the listing process for four native species of bumble bees as endangered, in an attempt to ensure their survival in the state.

California Wildlife Organizations Cheer State Budget’s Commitment to Protect Wildlife Habitat
On Sunday, the 2019 Budget Conference Committee approved a ten-year commitment to appropriate $30 million per year to assure conservation of unique and important wildlife habitat throughout the state.

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Rollbacks of Offshore Drilling Safety Regs
Ten environmental groups sued the Trump administration today to challenge rollbacks of the 2016 Well Control and Blowout Preventer Rule, a safety regulation meant to prevent another blowout like what happened during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Approves Anti-Wolf Revisions to Wolf Plan
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) voted on anti-wolf revisions to the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan (Wolf Plan).