0 Attacks on the ESA
The Endangered Species Act is America’s most effective law for protecting wildlife in danger of extinction. Nearly all species listed under the ESA have been saved from disappearing forever and hundreds are on the path to recovery. Yet anti-wildlife members in Congress have launched an all-out assault on the ESA and the species under its protection. In the 119th Congress, so far, over 15 pieces of legislation have been proposed that would undermine the ESA or weaken protections for imperiled wildlife. Last Congress, a record-breaking 115 pieces of legislation were proposed that would have undermined the ESA or weakened protections for imperiled wildlife.
House of Representatives
Exempts the Department of Defense and its contractors from following the requirements of the ESA, creating a massive loophole for all manner of military activities.
Prevents the Services from listing imperiled foreign species under the ESA, which would harm global conservation efforts.
Increases the risk of delisting species which still need ESA protections while deterring the public from petitioning for imperiled species to be listed.
Forces the Services to delist the gray wolf in 44 states, and prevents courts from reviewing that delisting, undermining the scientific integrity of the ESA.
Weakens the ESA by mandating information submitted by state, tribal or county government must be considered as “best available science” irrespective of actual merit.
Undermines the central purpose of the ESA by prohibiting the Services from distinguishing between naturally propagated animals and artificially propagated ones.
Forces the Service to delist the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population, and prevents courts from reviewing that delisting, undermining ESA scientific integrity.
Overrides scientific decision-making by stripping ESA protections for the lesser prairie-chicken, and prevents future listing no matter what risk the species faces.
Exempts Federal land management agencies from having to reinitiate consultation on land management plans on new listings, critical habitat, or science.
Rolls back the ESA and NEPA on millions of acres of federal lands, removes science from land management decisions, and stifles citizen voices.
Forces the Services to delist the gray wolf in 44 states, and prevents courts from reviewing that delisting, undermining the scientific integrity of the ESA.
Erases ESA protections for seven imperiled mussel species.
Exempts lake sturgeon from ESA listing in Wisconsin.
Amends ESA language in a manner that would cause significant harm to at-risk species and their habitats.
Transfers authority over anadromous species like salmon from NMFS to USFWS, disrupting ESA implementation.
Overrides scientific decision-making by stripping ESA protections for the lesser prairie-chicken, and prevents future listing no matter what risk the species faces.
Forces the Service to delist the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population, and prevents courts from reviewing that delisting, undermining ESA scientific integrity.