ABC’s Sam Champion and Philippe Cousteau head under the waves to bring you video footage of what the oil spill looks like underwater.

326 dead, 31 survivors – this is the ratio of birds that have been found dead along Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama coastlines or been euthanized after capture to the number that have survived during the first five weeks of the oil spill.

Despite being ordered by the EPA to find a less toxic alternative to the oil dispersant being used in the Gulf, Corexit, BP and EPA are now realizing that these alternatives do not exist in the quantities needed.

A 21 year old sea otter named Nuka living at the Seattle Aquarium who survived the Exxon Valdez oil disaster  in 1989 but who’s life has been plagued by health problems,  gives insight into the possible long term health effects that animals in the Gulf that come into contact with the oil could suffer.

The Obama administration’s point man on the oil spill has rejected the idea of the federal government taking over operations in the Gulf to stem the flow of oil being poured into its waters saying that the government has neither BP’s expertise nor it’s deep sea equipment.


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