The Obama administration confirmed today that endangered sea turtles and other marine creatures are being burned alive in BP’s operations to contain the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico, the Guardian reports. Environmental organizations are pressing the administration to halt the burning and look at prosecuting BP and its contractors for killing endangered species.
What experts have been predicting for months came true this week as oil washed ashore on Florida’s Pensacola beaches, Bloomberg Businessweek reports.
Tropical Storm Alex has been gaining strength as it swirled across the Gulf of Mexico, reports the Orlando Sentinel. The eye of the storm wasn’t expected to approach the area of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, but Alex’s outer wind field could push the oil farther inland and hinderoperations in the area.
The spill continues to take a tragic human toll. USA Today reports that 55-year old Allen Kruse, a boat captain turned BP cleanup worker, committed suicide after being completely overwhelmed by the strenuous nature of his new job.
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