Oil may not be washing upon the shores of the Gulf in vast slicks, but that doesn’t mean it’s disappeared. Here, Defenders’ own Tim Male holds solid proof in his hands that oil remains a part of Louisiana beaches used by people and wildlife alike.

As tar balls such as these continue to float in from the ocean, they’re still a threat to imperiled Gulf species like Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and brown pelicans that depend on a healthy marine ecosystem to survive. For example, if sea turtles ingest even small amounts of oil from the water or their food, over time, it can accumulate in their bodies and harm or kill them.

Tim’s “big ol’ patty of tar” is a dark reminder that the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster is far from over – and efforts to restore and rehabilitate the Gulf of Mexico have only just begun. Click here to see what you can do to help wildlife that continues to be impacted by oil in Gulf waters, and prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again.


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