Whooping CraneThey are the tallest birds in North America… but whooping cranes are in short supply in Louisiana. In fact, these beautiful birds—once native to the state—were eliminated from Louisiana during the last century.

Whooping cranes have been on the federal list of endangered species since March 11, 1967. Yet, they remain highly endangered.

Help return these amazing birds to Louisiana. Urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to approve a plan to re-introduce the whooping crane to their historic habitat in Louisiana.

Whooping cranes have been on the federal list of endangered species since March 11, 1967. Yet, they remain highly endangered.

There are just three wild whooping crane populations in the U.S. and a captive breeding population spread across 12 locations. No wild whooping cranes are now found in Louisiana—despite the existence of good habitat in the state for this amazing bird.

Beautiful whooping cranes could soon grace Louisiana’s skies and marshes again… but not unless caring wildlife supporters like you speak up now. Please take action now!


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