Wolf supporters are taking to the airwaves this week with the launch of radio ads by the Western Wolf Coalition, a group of conservation organizations that includes Defenders of Wildlife.

Gray wolf. Photo courtesy of Michael Quinton/National Geographic Stock.

Listen to the voices of these real Montanans who want a healthy future for wolves.

Radio Spot 1

Radio Spot 2

Last weekend, hundreds of Montanans recorded their statements in support of wolf recovery and state management based on science, not politics. These Montanans aren’t about to let all the rhetoric from anti-wolf critics undo decades of wolf conservation—important work that has made wolf restoration one of our nation’s greatest wildlife success stories.

Opponents are pushing to drive wolf numbers down to unsustainable levels, and they’ve succeeded in getting several pieces of legislation introduced in Congress that would exempt wolves from Endangered Species Act protections. This move would set a terrible precedent that could jeopardize not just the future of wolves, but the recovery of other imperiled species.

That’s why it’s so important that we all speak out in support of sustainable wolf management based on sound science. Hunter, ranchers, biologists, educators and small business owners are sharing their thoughts on the value of having healthy wolf populations and the importance of protecting their future:

“The idea of the Endangered Species Act was to conserve biodiversity. If we legislate species by species, then it will be chaos.”
Norm Bishop
Yellowstone National Park resources interpreter (retired)
Bozeman, MT

“John Adams said America is a nation of laws, not of men. This legislation stands the words of our founding fathers on their head. It’s about what men want, not about sound, sensible laws based on science.”
Brian Peck
Sportsman/wildlife advocate
Columbia Falls, MT

“Current management plans are still inadequate for delisting. Once you give up those federal protections, states will be more influenced by the rhetoric of wolf opponents than by science.”
Linda Thurston
Wolf biologist/wildlife tour guide
Gardiner, MT

“We accept that some wolves are going to be killed, but it needs to be done on a carefully managed basis without maliciousness.”
Doug McLaughlin
Manager, Silver Gate Lodging
Silver Gate, MT

“The economic benefit of wolves in this region is incredible. Our business wouldn’t be where it is if it wasn’t for wolves.”
Carl Swoboda
Director, Safari Yellowstone
Livingston, MT

Thank you to all the Defenders supporters who made generous donations that have made these ads possible. Your continued support is essential, and will allow us to keep running these convincing spots during the current lame-duck session when Congress is likely to take action on wolf legislation. To contribute to this ongoing campaign, click here.

You can also voice your support by visiting www.westernwolves.org.



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