Following our success restoring life-saving protections for Northern Rockies wolves earlier this year, a handful of anti-wolf extremists have been extremely vocal, making outrageous, dangerous comments like the following:

Killing wolves is patriotic. Use shelter dogs to lure wolves to their deaths. Eliminate all wolves from the Northern Rockies—by any means necessary.

You can help stop these extremists. Your donation will enable us to produce and air a new radio ad to counter the anti-wolf propaganda.

Powerful Voices for Wolves

Recently, Defenders recorded the testimonials of 300 authentic Montanans who favor an end to the anti-wolf hate that has been dominating the airwaves and inciting violence against our endangered wolves. A sample of these recordings can be heard in the video above.

With your support, Defenders will diazepam online produce and air a radio ad showcasing these Montana wildlife champions who understand the importance of maintaining healthy wolf populations in their region.

Please help us ensure that these reasonable conservation voices are heard.

Your contribution will also help us:

  • Fight anti-wolf legislation in Congress
  • Help ranchers co-exist with wolves and keep these magnificent animals out of harm’s way
  • Promote other vital efforts to save wolves and other imperiled wildlife

Help Save America’s Wolves

Donate NowThe support of caring people like you has helped Defenders return wolves to Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies, beat back efforts to eliminate life-saving protections for these magnificent animals and build important partnerships to ensure a lasting future for wolves in the region.

But we need your help to keep fighting. Please donate now.


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