Stop the Idaho Aerial Wolf Slaughter Plan

Idaho's wolves are in the crosshairs. You can help save them. Please take action now!

Wildlife Services is at it again: The federal wildlife killers are once again seeking to slaughter wolves from the skies in Central Idaho.

This terrible aerial gunning plan could kill hundreds of wolves in the area—all to help state officials artificially boost elk populations.

Take action now: Speak out against Wildlife Services’ terrible aerial wolf-slaughter plan for Central Idaho.

Idaho officials are claiming that wolves are the major cause of elk declines in parts of the state. But in 23 of the 29 elk management zones, populations of these animals are at or above population targets—many of the areas experiencing declines in elk numbers contain no wolves.

And the Clearwater National Forest—one of the areas targeted by Wildlife Services’ aerial gunning plan—was experiencing steep declines in elk numbers by 1988, long before wolves returned to the area.

Earlier this year, thanks to the support of tens of thousands of Defenders supporters, Wildlife Services pulled back an earlier plan seeking to gas helpless wolf pups in their dens and surgically sterilize alpha wolf pairs.

But now state officials are calling in Wildlife Services to slaughter entire wolf packs from the skies to artificially boost game populations—even as wolves remain protected under the Endangered Species Act. Speak out now to stop Wildlife Services’ wolf-killing plan—before the slaughter from the skies starts.

Wildlife Services should certainly not be in the business of artificially boosting game populations. They should be fulfilling their mission to “create a balance that allows people and wildlife to coexist peacefully.” Instead, Wildlife Services wants to expand their role as the federal government’s wildlife hitmen.

Please take action today and speak out to help stop Wildlife Services’ terrible plan to bring aerial gunning to Idaho.


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