At long last, a quiet week in wolf news. Wishing you all a happy holiday season!

Psychedelic wolves: A new study looking at the spread of mange, a contagious skin disease, in Yellowstone Park is using thermal imaging to render wolves in bright Technicolor. The technique is being tested at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center just west of the park and will help researchers determine how mange develops. As you can see in these images, wolves with mange suffer hair loss that is readily visible as a warmer (brighter) spot where more heat is given off compared to cooler patches insulated by thick fur.

Mange was introduced in the early 1900s in order to exterminate wolves and is believed to have survived in coyote and fox populations during the wolves’ long absence. Nearly a quarter of Yellowstone’s wolf packs suffer from the disease.

Flying friend of wolves: Christmas has passed, but it’s never too late to pick up a good wolf story for the kids. Dave Hoerner has spent decades flying over Montana’s wilderness, surveying wildlife populations, and now he’s weaving his experiences into a children’s book. “Peter Protector—Super Mountain Airplane” tells the story of an airplane brought to life that must transport a pack of wolves to safety.



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