Between our normal end-of-year flurry of activity and the urgency brought about by the new changes in Congress, we at Defenders asked a lot of our supporters in December. And, boy, did you respond to the call!

Thanks to caring supporters like you, Defenders of Wildlife:

  • Put a polar bear in Times Square. Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to run our polar bear ad in New York’s Times Square on the CBS Jumbotron (see video of the ad at right). It ran during Christmas and New Year’s and will be up until January 20th, continuing to raise awareness about the plight of America’s threatened polar bears.

  • Wolf Nursing Pups, NPS

    A female wolf nurses her pups in Yellowstone. Photo courtesy of U.S. National Park Service.

    Gave wolves a voice in Washington. When the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services—the government’s chief wolf-killing agency—recently announced its new plan to use aerial gunning to kill wolves in parts of Idaho’s National Forests, you spoke out in force.

    As of the deadline for public comments, Defenders of Wildlife delivered nearly 50,000 messages in opposition to the wolf-killing plan. And you sent tens of thousands of more messages to stop the latest anti-wolf attacks in Congress.

  • Bison, (c) Annie Griffiths Belt

    Bison and their calves graze in Custer State Park, South Dakota.

    Is geared up for 2011! More than 4,600 wildlife supporters donated to help nearly meet our $211,000 end-of-year goal, including almost 1,700 who had never before donated to support our work. This money will make a huge difference as we continue our fight to protect threatened and endangered wolves, polar bears, sea otters, bison, lynx, and more!

    Thank you all for your support. We really couldn’t do it without YOU!


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