Defenders got a great shout from the Species Survival Network in their December/January newsletter. We were profiled as “Member of the Month” for our support of the Living with Lions program in Kenya.

Maasai Lion Guardians, (c) Rodger SchlickeisenHere’s what they wrote:

African lions are in serious decline due to habitat loss, trophy hunting, poisoning, illegal trade, and retaliatory killing due to predation on livestock. But in Kenya, an innovative project is helping to keep at least one of these factors in check. Through the Living with Lions program, Maasai warriors are trained to track lion movements and prevent attacks on livestock, putting them at the front lines of protecting the lion’s future. These so-called “lion guardians” also help find missing livestock, reinforce fences, and work with local communities to develop alternatives to killing lions in retaliation. Last year, Defenders of Wildlife contributed funding to help the lion guardians project expand farther onto ranchlands just outside Amboseli National Park in southwestern Kenya.

Read more about Defenders lion conservation efforts.



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