I had the best of intentions, I really did. I was going to write several blogs during our 2011 photo contest’s submission period to showcase some of my favorite photos from last year, but reality got in the way — big time! And now the deadline for entering our 2011 contest is TONIGHT at midnight.

So without further ado, I would like to share two stunners from last year that were not prize winners.

This lovely photograph of sunrise at the Yellowstone River by Sandi Sisti takes me to a calm, peaceful place every time I look at it. The color palette is reminiscent of a

Sunrise near Nez Perce Ford sets the sky aglow in Yellowstone National Park.

French Impressionist painting. It reminds me of why I love leaving Washington, D.C. and getting a chance to be in the wilderness. This landscape reminds me of all that is peaceful about nature.

But the wonderful photograph below, also at Yellowstone National Park, by Phyllis Picardi is about the power and fury of nature. Whether it is the fierce weather that nature throws at us or the wild animals blessing our untamed lands, this is a solid reminder that nature is to be respected.

There are some remarkable photographs coming in this year,  which will make finding a winner for this year’s contest much more difficult than before. Judging is a tough task because we end up receiving more photos that I love than we have awards to give. But I have plans to share these beautiful images on this blog throughout the year.

Don’t miss your chance to win an all-expenses-paid photo tour of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks with renown wildlife photographer, Jess Lee, or other great prizes.

Submit your images online by MIDNIGHT tonight!


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