The mighty bison)

A bison stands tall in Yellowstone National Park. (Ingo Arndt, Minden Pictures)

Great news for wild bison!

In January, thanks to the efforts of Defenders of Wildlife’s supporters and our allies, Montana’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commissioners unanimously voted in favor of finding bison new homes on state and tribal lands across Montana by authorizing Montana’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks agency to explore relocation opportunities.

This means that some of the last genetically pure bison in Montana could eventually be restored to the lands they once roamed.

This is a huge step forward for bison recovery in Montana and across the region, and your efforts helped make it happen.

In other good news, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer temporarily saved hundreds or more Yellowstone bison in February by blocking their shipment into Montana for slaughter.

Unfortunately, this is not a long term solution. Even now, Montana state legislators are attempting to pass bills that would prevent bison from being restored throughout the state.

Our fight for bison is far from over. In the days ahead, we’ll be calling on Defenders supporters to once again speak out for the mighty bison, but for now, please accept our heartfelt thanks.

Take action! Help find a permanent solution to stop the bison slaughter…



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