Without a doubt one of our most consistently successful partnerships for the Wildlife Volunteer Corps in terms of turnout and overall volunteer zeal is with the Fish and Wildlife Service at the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in Maine helping to restore habitat for the state threatened New England cottontail rabbit. It is an email I look forward to getting every spring because I know there is a dedicated group of Defenders in the area ready to get out there and lend a hand.
This spring we had 14 of our dedicated volunteers meet up with Karrie of the FWS in Kittery ME to plant approximately 3500 bare root stock plants over a 3-4 acre area to provide desperately needed habitat for the cottontails. Our volunteer work is part of a long-term research project that will help scientists identify the most effective management practices for rebuilding habitat for New England cottontails and other shrubland-dependent species in order ensure these animals survive.
It is tiring work but Karrie and I wanted to extend our thanks and appreciation for all the hard work you do year after year. The habitat you plant not only helps the cottontails but more than 200 other species as well. Thanks again and we’ll see you out there next time!
To see some of our other projects visit the Wildlife Volunteer Corps home page. We are always looking for new project so take a look at our project guidelines and if you have a something you think we might be able to help with shoot me an email at wvc@defenders.org!
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