The great news keeps coming! AB 971, introduced by California Assembly member Bill Monning (D-Carmel) to re-establish the California Sea Otter Fund on state income tax forms, passed out of the Committee on Senate Governance and Finance last week. We greatly appreciate Assemblyman Monning’s support for sea otters and willingness to introduce this legislation.
And a lot of the credit for this victory goes to our Defenders supporters in California who let their representatives know that they care about sea otters and recognize how important the funding generated by this tax check-off is. The funding goes to continue the critical work towards understanding what is plaguing sea otter populations in California.
This is a big first step in protecting sea otters and ensuring their survival and for your help in this key victory we here at Defenders want to thank you!
AB 971 will be introduced to the Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations sometime in mid to late August and to the Senate Floor soon thereafter. We hope we can count on you again when the time comes to contact your senators and to tell them to protect these magnificent ocean dwellers. And once again, thank you very much for your support not only on this, but on all our issues!
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