Last week was Shark Day in California as supporters met in front of the Capitol to show their support for bill AB 376, which was introduced to outlaw the possession, trade, and sale of shark fins in California to help end the brutal practice of shark finning. An estimated 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins and some shark populations, like the hammerhead shark, are on the brink of collapse. Defenders of Wildlife’s Jim Curland recently spoke to Public News Service about the event and about the plight of these magnificent ocean dwellers.
Listen to the interview:
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What’s Next?
Update: 08/26/11
Great news! The bill has now passed the Senate Appropriations Committee on a 5-2 vote. We’re expecting the bill to be voted on by the full Senate within days the next few weeks and will let you know the outcome. If it passes the Senate, the bill will then go to the Governor’s desk for signing.
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