In some happy news, some of the genetically pure bison that were transferred to the Fort Peck Indian Reservation last month have become proud parents.  As of today 13 newborns were reported among the herd with more reportedly expected soon.

According to the story in the Great Falls Tribune, the herd has taken to the newborns immediately and is doing a good job protecting them by huddling around them, keeping them close and not letting them drift too far away.

“The birth of the first bison calf at Fort Peck Reservation is the next positive step in wild bison restoration to the Great Plains with a new generation of pure bison starting their lives,” said Jonathan Proctor, Defenders’ Rocky Mountain region representative.

Thanks to all our Defenders supporters for all your actions and donations that helped bring these wild bison home!

Read the full success story.

Learn more about what Defenders is doing to help bison.

You can check out Fort Peck Journal’s Facebook Page for more baby bison photos as they become available.


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