Victory for Wyoming’s Wolves: This week we won a major victory in Wyoming when a federal judge reinstated Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for gray wolves in the state! It’s wonderful news and will be the difference between life and death for countless gray wolves in Wyoming. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) delisted gray wolves in Wyoming in 2012. We have been working on this issue in the courts since 2012 claiming that the delisting violated the terms of the ESA. And this week we won! But much work remains. We expect Wyoming, the Service and perhaps even Congress to work to overturn this victory. But this week’s court ruling makes it clear that the Service violated federal law in carelessly approving Wyoming’s flawed wolf management plan. Stay tuned.

Mexican gray wolf and pup, © Joel SartoreThank You For Standing Up For Mexican Gray Wolves! We asked and you answered! 50,563 Defenders members submitted comments to the Service in response to its proposed plan to change the way Mexican gray wolves are managed. Although the Service’s proposal does some good by creating new release sites and giving the wolves more room to roam, it ultimately would make recovery impossible by allowing more wolves to be killed and keeping them out of the habitats they need to recover. The comment period closed this Tuesday, but the huge number of submitted comments on this proposal proves one thing: one of Defenders’ greatest assets is the conviction and dedication of its members. Thank you for your tireless work and support in protecting America’s wildlife!


Wildlife & Wild Places

Fisher release on Mount Rainier

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