Shooting of Alpha Female Wolf in Washington Prompts Investigation

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife are investigating the death of the alpha female wolf from the Teanaway pack found on October 28 in north western Washington. The investigation has confirmed that the wolf was shot, causing this incident to become a criminal investigation. Defenders of Wildlife is providing up to $2,500 to anyone who can offer information leading to the conviction of the person or persons involved in the illegal killing of the breeding alpha female of the Teanaway wolf pack.

Please support our efforts to protect the Teanaway pack and other vulnerable wildlife 

The Teanaway wolves live in the western two thirds of the state where the animals are still protected under both the federal Endangered Species Act and the state’s own Endangered Species Act. This incident underscores the importance of maintaining protection for wolves in areas where they are so rare like in western Washington and down through the coastal range in Oregon and California.

Michigan residents say no to wolf-hunting

A ballot initiative that would have authorized wolf hunting this month in Michigan was voted down by residents on Tuesday. Voters also voted down a referendum that would have allowed the state Natural Resources Commission to designate wolves as a game species. It’s safe to say there will not be a wolf hunt in Michigan this year. It is impressive to see this groundswell of citizen activist support and organization for wolves in Michigan.

What’s the latest on the Idaho’s predator derby?

Still no word yet from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on whether or not the agency will give the anti-predator group Idaho for Wildlife the special permit it needs to hold its requested multi-day predator killing contest on millions of acres of national public lands in the east-central part of Idaho this January. BLM must be busy reading through the 57,000 comments Defenders members submitted requesting the agency to deny the proposal!! Stay tuned here for any updates….


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